Why I resisted writing to you for so long.
Hey love,
How are you feeling?
An internal enquiry, a weather report, a deeper listening. What surfaces?
I guess I feel it’s time to be honest. With myself and you.
For a long time I told myself it wasn’t the right time to write to you. No time or energy to finish anything I started. I started a lot and never pressed publish. With a wakeful and co-sleeping (rainbow IVF) toddler, a lot of solo parenting, full house renovations, freelancing in arts project managing, a deep dive in my own trauma therapy AND resting where I could…that I wasn’t ready to shift gears and get back to your inbox, regularly.
I don’t think that’s the whole truth.
There is vulnerability in sharing my words and stories. Exposing my thoughts and inner world. I’ve been creating new relationships to the parts of me that hijack my work, my peace, my SELF. Trying to work through the negative narrative, insecurities and imposter syndrome that shout very loudly.
I have also been getting really clear.
Clear on what I want to put out to you, to the world. How I want to be of service. On what practices to share and who they are for. On how I can be inclusive, anti-racist and acknowledge the grief of the world right now.
To name, honour and pay homage to the Indigenous and Native Traditions that the rest practices I offer originate and are rooted from.
To title my work.
I am a Rest Practitioner that specialises in Women’s Fertility. Yoga Nidra. Meditation. Sound Artist. Community Curator. Circle Holder. Nature Led. Trauma Informed. IVF/ICSI & Rainbow Mother.
I am honoured to be able to work with a lot of Women who are navigating their wonky and painful terrain of fertility, infertility, and baby loss. I hold space for grief to show up, to be named and worked through. I hold regular Fertility Yoga Nidrā classes at Re:MInd Studio and soon a dedicated Fertility Circle in a Brixton Greenhouse, IT WILL BE EPIC, dates will come though soon.
However I also work with Women who are drawn to me, my style, my space holding for a myriad of reasons. Another truth is, I’ve been grappling with which lane to stay in? As I am often approached by Women who are navigating other unknowns. I co-create rest practices and rituals to help guide them back to balance and regulation.
A lot of stories I hear from clients and groups I work with, is that there can be tremendous loneliness and solitude in working on yourself, your inner landscape and solo rest practices.
My unwavering opinion is there can be an almost indescribable magic and magnetism in coming together as a collective, a community and resting together. I believe it’s how we are designed and part of our DNA.
01/10/2023 RISE & RECLAIM — A Women’s Half Day Retreat at Rise Wellbeing Studio. Photo by Lauren Armes
What community means to me?
A sense of uplifting belonging. Yes, I know the work is understanding all the different parts of me that only need ME to soothe and make them feel seen and safe. But the deep knowing that I can spend time with others in a meaningful way. Not isolating away. Creating companionship along wonky terrain. To curate community rest events and Women’s Circles that bring (all) Women together to share, to be witnessed, honoured, seen, heard, held and believed.
I’m working seasonally. Soaking up nature and her offerings — not only does she inspire me, nature is profoundly embedded in the fabric of the rest practices I guide people through. Naturally she shifts my energy, soothes my soul and regulates my nervous system. Anyone else love a long wooded walk, starfish pose on the Earth or a dip in the sea?
Box Hill, Surrey. August (yep raincoat in August people) 2023
So really it’s a ‘whatcha’ from me, as my late Grandad used to say.
A warm hello and embrace.
A thank you for joining me on this life ride, for reading my words and working with me.
If you’ll have me, I will be showing up a lot more in your inbox with my latest news, events and gifted downloads. Talking of which…
Get cosy, lie down and plug in your pods. Here is a gifted Yoga Nidrā created just for you. Download and listen anytime you need.
And if you like it? Let me know @millie_ralph
How you can rest with me?
Only two spaces remaining for ‘1:2:1 Holding’ Spring-Summer package. A deeper dive and laser focused rest practices. CLICK HERE for more info and to book.
Join ‘Community Rest Club’ 14th April— (an accessible) online community of resters for a Soundbath and restorative Yoga Nidrā straight to your bed. CLICK HERE for more info and to book.